This is a webring of sites by people in the Mozilla Portland office. The contained sites have themes including personal blogs, interesting side projects, adorable pets, and silly demos.
Wikipedia describes a webring as "a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme."
Explore the Ring
Every site on the ring must include a navigation footer that links to it's neighbors in the ring. An embeddable page is provided for convenience. Here is a demo of the navigation footer.
Join the Ring
Add the ring's navigation on your site. Here's an example:
<iframe src="" frameBorder="no" scrolling="no" height="80" width="800" ></iframe>
The navigation will react to changes in the size, and you can also size the iframe with CSS for more flexibility.
File a pull request on the Abelian repository, editing the file data/members.yaml.
Members of the Ring
Mythmon's personal site
blog of amy
Amy's personal site
Adam Gashlin's Web Site
Adam's personal site
juniper wilde's page
juniper's personal site
molly howell's site
mhowell's personal mistake
codename: dana
some of dana's thoughts
a HopperQuest clan